Ready to turn your passion into an extra paycheck? have ideas...ones that could transform someone's entire life and even make you some extra income!

You know that building your brand on social media is the best vessel to help you share your message.

You've even been watching other women crush it online and dream of it being possible for you.


You can't get out of your own way!

You have all the ideas and don't know where to start.

And even if you could pick one, you cringe at the thought of putting a price tag on your gift.

You spend every night playing the WHAT IF game...

-What if your Aunt Polly judges you?
-What if nobody cares about what you have to say?
-What if you don't know enough?
-What if someone actually wants to pay you for helping them?

You're STUCK in this rut of wanting to change lives, but struggle to find the confidence to take action and share your idea.

And deep down...this crushes you because all you want to do is what you're most passionate about!

Guess what?

Someone needs YOUR idea and is willing to pay you for it...

You just need a solid system to do so...


Join the live Masterclass!

This FREE 5-day masterclass will give you actionable steps to help you build your brand and turn your idea into extra income!!

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time...I'll still love ya!


    Your Kickass Brand Coach

    Who am I?

    Glad ya asked...I'm Yolanda, your unfiltered bestie here to change your whole damn life!

    I'm a former ICU RN passionate AF about helping women like you build confidence to turn your ideas into profit and create more freedom.

    What ya get...

    This masterclass will be give you the 5 pillars of building your brand and turning your idea into income.

    It's time to get out of your own way! I'll see you in class!